Whole Family Services

Too often, we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around.



COSA, Bay Area

COSA, Bay Area is a new RP initiative that works with those who have done sexual harm and are reintegrating back into society. We collaborate with community members interested in a restorative justice approach to making a safer community.

Our first groups will be held in the North Bay, with plans to expand to the greater Bay Area shortly.

Facilitated Peer Support Group

WFS is currently offering virtual facilitated peer support groups for those intending to end the cycle of harm in their lives and the lives of their loved ones. Peer groups serve as a preventative effort to harm reduction and reduce recidivism.

Groups are held online in both English and Spanish.

Supportive Services

Clinical Services: Specialized clinical services are available for WFS clients.

Case Management: Case Managers help clients develop individualized service plans to help people reach their unique goals.

Job navigation is intended to assist clients with finding fair work opportunities with employers who will not decline or discriminate based on criminal history.

Housing navigation is intended to assist clients with accessing safe and fair housing options where they will not be declined or discriminated against based on criminal history.

The philosophy of the WFS program does not categorize people by the harm they have received or inflicted upon others but instead sees people as part of a system where damage has occurred.

Together we can

We all deserve safety, love, connection, respect, and an opportunity to live a fulfilling life. Shame and isolation don't have to be conquered alone.

  • Have experienced generational harm.

  • Have experienced harm in their relationships.

  • Have been incarcerated for any reason.

  • Have caused harm to others.

  • Want to exit the cycle of harm?

WFS works with those who…

WFS believes there is not always a polarizing relationship between survivors and harm-doers, as is often assumed. People can, and often do, exist in different roles throughout their lives. We recognize that the shame associated with categorization and stigmatizing is immense and long-lasting. WFS intentionally sees the person behind the trauma while acknowledging a need for accountability for any harm caused.

For more information about WFS, please call or text (510) 213-6079 or email amy@rubysplace.org

To apply as a COSA Volunteer please click here.